Terms of Use

This section contains the terms for the use of this website. We will regularly change some of the terms , so please check in time. Users of this website and related pages agree upon the following terms and conditions.

Copyright and Trademarks

Amass International (" the Company ") and other organizations have the ownership of any trademarks, company marks and service marks shown on this website. No one may use them without written consent of the Company or other organizations.

Information published on this website are protected by copyright. No part of the information may be modified, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, copied, distributed, or used for any commercial or public purpose without the written consent of the Company.

Use of Information and Data in This Website

The Company shall only provide the information and data described in this website in the countries permitted by laws. The information and data posted on this website are not intended to be used by persons or residents of countries restricted by law.

Third Party Websites

We provide links to third-party websites, such as those of Waigaoqiao wharf and Yangshan Port Area. The company is not liable for content of the third party websites, and if possible, their terms of use and privacy policies are provided by such third parties.

Representations and Warranties

The Company has exerted great care in the preparation of the information and data contained in this website. However, the Company only provides the relevant information under the present situation, without any express or implied warranty. Particularly, we give no guarantee on non-infringement upon copyright, confidentiality, accuracy, suitability or free from computer viruses of information.

Download Software

The Company makes no representations or warranties that this website is available and satisfactory to your use; or that no interruption, delay, failure, error or omission or loss of information transmitted will occur during use of this website; or that no viruses or other contaminated or destructive products will spread or that your computer system will not be damaged. You shall be fully responsible for adequate protection and backup of your data and/or equipment and for taking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses or other destructive products. The Company will not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, functionality or performance of any third-party software used on this website.